Obelisk Structure
There are seven important modules in Obelisk that you should know about:
Obelisk Registry
Interest Manager / Gauge
NFTPass (your identity)
Obelisk NFT (Wrapped NFT)
Obelisk Registry
The Obelisk Registry is the main module of Obelisk. You’ll use this module to:
Support the Reserve (see below for more details).
Contribute to enabling a collection.
Claim rewards for your contributions.
The core idea of Obelisk is "Let the community decide." Through UMA, the community votes on which collections to allow in the system. Once a collection is approved, users can contribute to it. To enable a collection, the community must contribute 100 ETH, which will be permanently locked in the Reserve. Once the collection reaches 100 ETH, it will create an Obelisk NFT Version.
The Reserve is where all ETH received from the protocol is locked permanently to generate yield. You can also support the Reserve by locking your ETH for 30 days, but your ETH will not be locked forever. There are no direct rewards for supporting the Reserve.
The yield generated from the Reserve is managed by the Interest Manager.
Interest Manager / Gauge
The Interest Manager collects all the yield generated by the Reserve. It then uses a Gauge System powered by Snapshot.org to distribute this yield among Megapools.
Megapools are the only pools in the system that can receive ETH from the Reserve. Each Megapool can hold up to 1,000 staked NFTs. However, users can create new Megapools by using their HCT (Heroglyph Change Token).
When choosing a pool, remember that the most popular pools will receive more ETH.
Obelisk starts with one Megapool called Senusret.
NFT Pass
To participate in Obelisk, you need an identity called an NFT Pass. Think of it as an ENS (Ethereum Name Service) for NFTs. With your NFT Pass, you set a unique name and link it to your wallet address. Once you've done this, you have your NFT Pass. You only need one NFT Pass; there's no need for multiples.
Without an NFT Pass, you won't be able to configure your Obelisk NFT or join any Tickers.
It's important to keep your NFT Pass name short, as you’ll be limited in how many characters you can use later on. Each byte counts.
An NFT Pass is not needed for Hashmask users since they are automatically integrated into Obelisk.
See the Hashmasks for more details.
Obelisk NFT
An Obelisk NFT is a wrapped version of any NFT in the system, created by converting an existing NFT into an ERC721 token that interacts with Obelisk.
To wrap your NFT into an Obelisk NFT, you need to approve the NFT for wrapping. Once wrapped, your NFT becomes an Obelisk NFT Version.
This new version allows you to change the name of the NFT by using special characters to interact with Obelisk’s Tickers.
Injecting Your Identity in the Obelisk NFT Name
You can add your NFT Pass identity to your Obelisk NFT name using the @ symbol.
For example, if your NFT Pass is P, your name would be: @P
Injecting Tickers into the Obelisk NFT Name
You can also add Tickers to your NFT’s name using the # symbol to indicate which pools you’re joining.
For example, if you want to join the pools Senusret, SANC, and KBSU, your name would be: #Senusret,SANC,KBSU
So, your full NFT name would look like this: @P #Senusret,SANC,KBSU
This means that the wallet with NFT Pass P has staked in the Senusret, SANC, and KBSU pools.
Tickers are similar to NFT Passes, but for pools instead of individual wallets. Only the contract owner can create Tickers, so you can think of a Ticker as an ENS for pools, rather than for user wallets.
You can view the list of available Tickers on the Obelisk website.
Last updated