Obelisk is a lighter version of Heroglyphs. It uses a similar principle but is designed for NFTs, inspired by the Hashmask renaming system. Users can "wrap" any approved collection and rename their NFT to participate in Obelisk.
The idea behind Obelisk is simple: The community decides which collections Obelisk should support. Then, users can permanently support these collections by depositing ETH into them. When a collection reaches 100 ETH, it becomes active, and users can wrap their NFTs into ObeliskNFTs.
All ETH deposited is stored in a liquidity pool, where it earns interest. The interest is then distributed to Megapools.
How It Works
Your NFT's name acts as a command for the protocol. Naming an ObeliskNFT involves two key partsT: your Identity (1) and your Ticker (2).
Identity: ObeliskNFT needs an identity called NFTPass. See this as an EVM to redirect a name to an address
Ticker: Tickers are like farming pools. Having a ticker is similar to staking in a farming pool.
You can rename your NFT as an ObeliskNFT by paying 90 HCT (Heroglyph Name Change Token). This token can be bought from the liquidity pool or earned by farming HeroNFTs.
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